Harleysville Eagles Youth Football is for players 6-14 years old. Our tackle program belongs to the EPYFL and is currently one of the largest organizations. In a typical year, we are proud to be able to field multiple teams for each weight class of Flag, Junior Pee Wee, Pee Wee, Junior Varsity, and Varsity. By typically have multiple teams of 16-20 players per team at each weight class, it enables us to separate teams according to experience and skill level so all the kids can have a positive experience.


No player competing in the Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Football League may play for a middle school team or any other tackle football team. No player in the Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Football League may be a current high school student. Failure to follow these rules will result in loss of playoff privileges for the entire team!



Practices begin in early August and are held Tuesday through Thursday from 6-8pm through early November. In August some of the older tackle teams may practice more than twice a week until school starts. All practices are at 651 Park Avenue, Harleysville. This location is found behind the Harleysville Giant/Walmart.



Most games are held on Saturday's, but there is a possibility for Friday night or Sunday games.



Our coaches work directly under our Athletic Director to ensure we are teaching the proper fundamentals to the children.  A coaches clinic for our coaches is held before each season to be sure our coaches are prepared for the upcoming season.  All coaches also need to pass background checks and be certified with USA Football's Heads Up Program. The Heads Up Football is a comprehensive program developed by USA Football to advance player safety.



Harleysville Eagles Youth Football provides a pad set for all the kids including helmet and shoulder pads which must be returned once the season comes to an end. The helmets have been recently purchased to ensure a better level of safety for the players. All players will also receive and be able to keep a game jersey personalized with their last name on the back (if enrolled before May 31).